Monday, August 28, 2023

G first day of pre-kindergarten


Wow, time flies, how could it be 8 years already since my last post. 

It's G's first day of kindergarten and he was crying. so sad that I have to leave him with Ms. Victoria. I hope he won't be traumatized. 

Another news, 5 of us are now in Houston. been here for few months and will be here for another 2-3 months. So happy to be here. Kids are so happy with so many parks available to have fun. 

David and I, of course we are happy that we are so much closer with the kids as we are here. We have time and we make time for our kids. 

Personally, I am so happy to be here that I can connect better with kids. Professionally, it is not something I imagined earlier, but I learn a lot, networking with people, re-understanding different culture in other part of the world. It's been a long time since our Paris time, and we both are happy to again live in different part of the world and experience this together. It was so different from our Paris time when it was only me moving abroad. 

Few weeks ago, i was so sad because I feel like failing to give the longer period to be in the US for 3G because my assignment is not extended. I will only be here for 6 months instead of longer. I feel like failing professionally. But now I am recovering and decided that I will enjoy the remaining time here. 

We need to make plan for our holiday in end Oct. 

Next trip we dream of: Paris/the Netherlands, Korea.

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