Monday, April 8, 2013

auguri di buona pasqua 2013!

I had my best easter ever this year.  One day, two months ago, I spontaneously bought the ticket to Sicily, a very beautiful island in the south of Italy.  One of my very best friends is living her happiest life there with her new Italian family.

Many things had happened since the last time I met her in Jakarta, July last year. She had decided her own life, her own future and her own happiness. I sincerely am very happy for her, as I knew how time and situation have been so hard for her last year.

So, I went to visit her, and I was sooooo happy!  It's not a touristic holiday nor an all-must-see holiday.  It's simply spending time with my best friend and her new family. We cooked italian food together, had a nice walking most of the afternoons, had our 'best friend and I' conversation, did picnic, enjoyed the su
nny and windy weather, had dinner with friends, watched movies - in italian subtitle, talked a lot, laughed often.  I met some italian friends there and, eventhough I couldn't understand what they said, I felt very welcomed.  I ate most of the food they can showed me the whole days, and none of them are not my favorites (arancini, pistachio ice cream, spinach arancini, lots of Sicilian desserts, pasta, pizza, artichoke, chocolates, granita, and so on).

My highlight of this holiday is the Easter day.  That day the world starts another daylight saving time, so we're late to the church as we forgot it's the daylight saving time because we started the spring.  I had my very first Italian mass there, with people starred at me, wondered if I understood the mass or not.  Indeed, I understood just a little part of it, but I got the meaning of the Easter. I had lunch with her families, who were all so nice!  I felt really in an Italian family. Waiting the mother making the lasagna while the grandmother was grilling sausages, I ate lots of oranges there as it is one of Sicilian best harvest.  and what's surprising, I got my very first egg easter chocolate from the mother. =D I was so happy! It's just something I've never expected. they're too nice to be true. We broke the egg chocolates and I brought it back to france with me.
I felt that it was very comfortable for me being in the middle of them.  I enjoyed every moments there, I loved being in the middle of the Sicilian family, I loved the way they welcomed me and the way they treated me.  It was my very first time but I didn't feel like stranger at all.

Other hidden highlight, I loved the way the guys treated me there, the father, the grandfather, her friends, her husband and her brother-in-law.  I started to wonder, is it only me being lucky meeting that family, or it is all the italian guys are that nice? haha... I knew I was lucky to find that nice family to stay with and celebrated the easter with them.

it's not about how well-decorated the party was, but it's about how nice the people were in the party and it stays in your memory.

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