Monday, March 18, 2013


- someday you'll wake up and your house will be clean, but your babies will all be grown up by their own - annonymous

Tonight I listened to a song titled 'Andaikan aku punya sayap' . This is not a new song for Indonesian children like me, but tonight, after years of not listening to this song, I feel that this song is really touching. Supported by the nice voice of the singer, the song stays in my mind for the whole night and I start to miss my home, mom and dad.
I talked to my mom and dad this afternoon, and I always feel a lot stronger after talking with them. Well, I can't call them everyday, since it costs me a lot, but I try to call them at least once a week. Not only to make myself stronger, but because I experience the bad feeling of worrying somebody, so I don't want them to have that feeling because of me.

Today is the 6th month of myself staying in this city. I get used to everything, I have friends, I have activities, I have things to do everyday and I get used to being flexible to the condition. I like to plan, trips, school, to-do-list, places to go, etc. unfortunately, I can't do that here, because everything is so absurd. At the moment, I don't know where I will be by the end of May after the exams, I don't know whether I will stay in the residence during summer or move to the apartment in the city center with my 2 macedonian friends, where I will do my internship, when I'll be home for my sister's wedding, what is the schedule for the exams, etc. My french professor said the other day 'People in Europe, they don't plan their life, just go with the flow'. It's so difficult to think like Europeans, but I am trying now, otherwise I'll be the only one getting stressed because of this unplanned life.

Above all those things running in my mind, I had a very nice night walk in Orléans after celebrating Florina's bday. It was freezingly cold, but I really love that moment. It's something I always love about being in France, night walking, cold weather, thick jacket, boots and feeling save.
Cathédrale Ste-Croix, Orléans

je te manques, kir

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