Saturday, February 22, 2014

Un jour - La Statue de la Liberté

La Statue de la Liberté - Paris
Musée d'Orsay

Un jour, je serai à New York et aurai la même photo en face de la statue de la liberté réel là!

back after 4.5 years

It was 22 February when I finally went back to the church I once visited with Jun and Sari 4.5 years ago after Taizé. I don’t remember the name of the church but I can’t forget how glowing and shiny the altar was. It was so glamour for me at that time, but yes it left some marks in my memory.

Then I remembered about this church, so I went there for a Saturday mass with Rian, as at that time he was here for short travelling. It was full, and still with its beautiful, shiny and glowing altar.  There is a story about this chapel that makes it so special. Once Virgin Mary appeared in front of Saint Catherine Labouré in 1830 and requested the creation of the medal which came to be known as the Miraculous Medal.

The mass was meaningful that afternoon, remembering that I finally got the chance to be back to the place I have never thought before.  Old memories came back to my mind and I remembered that I prayed and asked to be given another chance to be back to that church again. And yes, Virgin Mary, Jesus and God gave me the chance. It’s another slide added to my life in faith. It’s also another prove to myself that ‘you’ll never know how things will turn out’ ‘keep on praying and dreaming cause they do come true’.

p.s.: It’s actually not a church, but a chapel called Chapelle Notre-Dame de la médaille miraculeuse

a very nice weekend with an old friend

Sunday, February 2, 2014

My sony xperia L

I went to carrefour yesterday night before soirée in Hang's place with Sanja. I don't know how it happened but then I lost my mobile phone. I was still checking the metro map while waiting in the cashier, but then I put all the bottles into the bag and I think I put my mobile just there in that cashier table. I was so panic when I realized about it in the metro station, and then I hurriedly run back and it was gone already.

So i lost my 4-month old mobile phone with all its photos and videos that I made on my very last day in the university. I hate myself really, for being so careless. I feel really bad not because of the price of the phone, but because of my situation now. I am not having a lot of money for these several months living in Paris, and this happens just at the same time when I really have to tighten my belt. And last night I could not sleep because I remembered, my dad was giving me the money amounting half of the price of the phone. I remembered I didn't want to receive his money but he insisted and said that I can buy the phone that I like, and he could give more money for that. He is not a billionaire, I have to highlight, but he is the best dad.   Several years ago, he was also the one giving me the money for buying the electronic dictionary that I no longer use now.
I feel so bad that I cannot take a good care of it and wasted my dad's money just like that. He even only has a very old-school nokia phone that my mom bought 8/9 years ago.  I feel very guilty for being so irresponsible to this simple thing.

I know people are saying that it's just a material thing and shit happens sometimes. Buy yeah, for me, it's more about this guilty feeling to my parents for wasting their money for being so irresponsible. This is a lesson learned for me, the guilty feeling is the worst than anything else.
I'm spending all my savings now for doing things I want to do. Soon, I'll earn much more than I spend now and to share it with my dad and mom.