Sunday, February 2, 2014

My sony xperia L

I went to carrefour yesterday night before soirée in Hang's place with Sanja. I don't know how it happened but then I lost my mobile phone. I was still checking the metro map while waiting in the cashier, but then I put all the bottles into the bag and I think I put my mobile just there in that cashier table. I was so panic when I realized about it in the metro station, and then I hurriedly run back and it was gone already.

So i lost my 4-month old mobile phone with all its photos and videos that I made on my very last day in the university. I hate myself really, for being so careless. I feel really bad not because of the price of the phone, but because of my situation now. I am not having a lot of money for these several months living in Paris, and this happens just at the same time when I really have to tighten my belt. And last night I could not sleep because I remembered, my dad was giving me the money amounting half of the price of the phone. I remembered I didn't want to receive his money but he insisted and said that I can buy the phone that I like, and he could give more money for that. He is not a billionaire, I have to highlight, but he is the best dad.   Several years ago, he was also the one giving me the money for buying the electronic dictionary that I no longer use now.
I feel so bad that I cannot take a good care of it and wasted my dad's money just like that. He even only has a very old-school nokia phone that my mom bought 8/9 years ago.  I feel very guilty for being so irresponsible to this simple thing.

I know people are saying that it's just a material thing and shit happens sometimes. Buy yeah, for me, it's more about this guilty feeling to my parents for wasting their money for being so irresponsible. This is a lesson learned for me, the guilty feeling is the worst than anything else.
I'm spending all my savings now for doing things I want to do. Soon, I'll earn much more than I spend now and to share it with my dad and mom.

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