Monday, March 4, 2013

back to classes

break is about to end in one hour. ohhhh...what I've been doing for 9 days ? Feels like I've done nothing and wasted too much time sleeping. The good thing, I managed to finish my Contemporary to France paper – 95%. I always end up writing too much for my paper, which means when I do review the paper, I have to delete most of the words. So I'm not only bad at time management, but also at counting words while writing.

Suddenly, I felt so lonely, like I'm supposed to plan something for my life, so I have target to achieve, not really something big, but at least, something I am waiting for, like Easter holiday, or May, or anything that can make days run faster. I don't complain, maybe I am just being in the middle of the road, question my choice in life. I talked with Z** in the afternoon, and it helps me feel better. He is nice, as always, and I feel really blessed to have friends in Jakarta, people I feel very comfortable to talk with. And with him,  the conversation must be about something silly but fun. =D *gonna see him in September and I deserve a treat from him cause by Sept he'll be a bachelor degree.

March is now on, and I know this is gonna be a very hectic month for me, with 2 additional classes and many other classes require serious attention before the exam in April and May. Let's not think about it too much. I have this nice word quoted from twitter 

You are good enough, smart enough, beautiful enough, strong enough. Believe it and never let insecurity run your life. 

I am waiting for good response for my internship in end of spring to summer. Really hope the positive answer. *fingers crossed !

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