Wednesday, May 29, 2013

feelin' blue

Do have anything in mind? nothing serious
Do you worry about anything? some, not much
Do you regret anything at the moment? a little bit, about my schedule for going home
Do you have fear about something? I don't know

Yes, I really don't know why tonight I am suddenly feeling so blue.  I feel I am not doing well the work, I am not organizing my schedule well, I am not as well-organized as I used to be, I am not sure what I should do in the next several weeks, months, even years, what I should do when I've finished my study, should I join the education field (which I like) or the business field (which I will earn better)??
I do believe thing happens for a reason and my worry today won't change my future, in other words, being too worry, being afraid about the future, thinking too much about absurd future, won't help at all.
But there are also times when I feel so down that I don't know what will happen, like now.

As I grow older, I am being more afraid to take decision because I am the one responsible in designing my future. If I take wrong decision, then I should accept the 'different' result (can be better or worst) from the future I've imagined.
I do believe my future will be fine.  but don't you ever have time when u're feeling down, like me now?
feelin' blue...

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