Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Be sure of my decision

Last Wednesday, the 12, was not an easy day for me and my sisters and brother.  My mom had her cancer surgery on that day. We found out about her disease like around one month ago. And then we decided to check with another doctor in Jakarta, and the result was similar to the one my mom got in Malaysia. Then we decided that my mom would do the surgery in Malaysia, as she always go to that hospital and, in my opinion, that hospital is more efficient in doing everything, such as taking blood sample, etc. 

It was scheduled on Thursday but all of a sudden my mom decided to do it as early as possible. So when I woke up, at around 7am here, my mom was already ready for the surgery there.  I was pretty shocked that morning.  That day I had the training in Champs Elysees, and we had quite a long pause for lunch, so I went around Champs Elysees, going to some stores, etc. But my mind was not there at all.  The doctor said that the surgery will take around 2.5 hours but at the end it took more than 5 hours. During those additional 3 hours, I was pretty awful, like not knowing what happened and at the same time, can do nothing at all. What I can do all the time was looking at my mobile phone all the time checking if there is any news in our ‘sisterhood’ group, expecting any good news anytime soon.  My brother and my aunty were there to accompany my mom. 

At that time I felt so awful.  My family was occupied to prepare the ticket, the money, the departure, etc., and here I could do nothing except asking so many questions.   And then during the surgery, I was not there to accompany my mom, and could not imagine how awful the time of my brother waiting in front of the operation room.  I said to myself, ‘no, this is not what I want to face anymore in the future’, feeling so guilty for being able to do nothing.  

That moment makes me sure about the decision I already have in my head of returning home after the master.  Some of my friends keep on asking and persuading me to stay in France, as I can get a job, a better salary, a more exciting life in Paris, etc.  Until now, I know that’s not what I want.  For me, what’s the point of earning money for yourself, enjoying a glass of wine with your colleague or friends that you don’t really share everything with, enjoying buying branded stuff that won’t give you comfort during the lonely weekends.  I finally find out what kind of life I want for myself. I don’t care how great it would be to work in Paris, to have a French boyfriend, or whatsoever, no, it’s just not what I imagine about my future.  I don’t want to miss my nephews’ and nieces’ birthday, my brother’s graduation day, staying home with mom and dad, celebrating Chinese’s New Year together, etc.  There are enormous things I would miss just because of staying here.  And yeah also if somebody may be sick and need any help, I don’t want to be the only who only stare at her mobile phone all the time like last Wednesday.

It’s pretty funny though that a friend of mine keeps on asking me ‘will you stay in France?’ ‘why don’t you want to stay?’ ‘are you sure you don’t want to be here?’ almost every time we meet, which is almost every week.  I am even more confident to the decision I have in my head now, dear friend. =)

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