Wednesday, March 5, 2014

One those good days in Paris

Have you ever feel happy in in a very normal day in the middle of working week? I do. Inspite of the fact that I keep on remembering what kind pictures (esp. The picture for my dad's bday) and videos (of my university) that I lost as I lost my mobile phone, today was a pretty good day.
The work was fine today. Then I got a package from the company, all the skin care products that match my skin type ( my skin was diagnosed 2 weeks ago, but I wasn't expecting this).  I have never tried their produtcs, but I know that it's an expensive one and it's getting very famous all around the world, as I am the one processing order from clients.  And I got quite a lot that may last for 3 months. So I am excited to try. I have been very interested to cosmetics lately. :)

On the way home, the metro gate wasn't working properly so I had validated my metro card but the the gate didn't open. I tried several times and it said that I have just validated my card so I can't do it again. Then I met a mature guy who told me that I have to wait for 5-8 mins before I can use my navigo again. Then he offered me if I wanna sneak in with his ticket to the metro. It doesn't mean I didn't have a ticket. But my monthly card was not functioning well. So I did sneak in together with his ticket. As we took same metro, M1, we talked a little bit. Surprisingly, he lived in Indonesia for 3 years for working. He is working with petrol, etc., so he lived in Balikpapan, Jakarta, Riau. What a coincidence! We talked during the trip, and it was a very nice conversation with him. We both agree that living in Jakarta is very nice, eventhough there are traffic, etc, but if you have money, life is so much easier in Jakarta. It's very different from Paris. He is a very nice guy indeed.

Then I arrived home, prepared dinner and I met my residence mate. They are very nice, and quite talkative, so you'll never be bored of cooking together during dinner time. There is a new guy, Filippe, French-Portugese-Brazilian, in the residence and he is nice too. He studied infirmary in order to be a nurse. But Now I know that studying infirmary doesn't mean that you'll only work in hospital. You can be a medical person in a huge company, to assure employees' health, you can work domesticly with old people, you can work at school, you can work at laboratory too. I never known about this before. And the other friend is studying geology-chemistry at Doctoral level. Wow! Don't imagine a nerd guy! He is young, nice and really talkative. He said that he was actually a piano and musical student before he decided to change the path by the end of high school. What a courage!

Soon after, I made a list of what I have to buy for grocery shopping on saturday. I also plan to go to Sacre Coeur for Sunday mass this weekend.  I have new mission while in Paris, to attend the mass in different churches every week. I also wanna go to the chruch that I went 4 years ago. I didn't remember the name, but I will find out.
Then I imported all the pictures from my camera and organized all of them. I had a look at some old pictures from Orléans, and those really created a smile on face. And voila, now I am writing for my blog because I feel happy today. There is nothing special about today, but I somehow feel this is a very nice day.
I think I will enjoy living in Paris. :)

After all the things that had happened, I began to say 'I wish now is March/April/July/summer/fall/holiday period already' less and less. I now can understand what the phrase 'time will never come back' means. Eventhough it's just an ordinary day, I will live to the fullest because It'll never come back.

I also get used to be by myself in so many different situation and places. I am less and less afraid to be in the middle of new environment. I feel that I adjust much faster to new situation than me 2 years ago.  If I look back, it was really crazy what I have been doing so far, but I did it, and I prove to myself that I'd better do it and get unexpected result than doing nothing for the sake of comfort.  I proudly say that my surviving level is definitely at the different level from the one 2 years ago.

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