Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Fête de la musique

La semaine dernière ma supervisera était au Pays-Bas pour le travail, donc je suis restée à la maison tout la semaine. C’était très bien. J’ai regardé une séries du coréen au sud, j’ai organisé un peu de mes vêtements d’hiver, j’ai visité mon amie au centre-ville, j’ai chatté avec mon ami et mes sœurs beaucoup, etc.

à côte de la Loire, 21 juin 2013
En vendredi, c’était le 21 juillet, le premier jour d’été en Europe !  Il y avait fête de la musique dans la ville, le dance de la salsa, tango, le musique rock, pop, instrumental, DJ, concert du jazz et toutes types des musiques.  Pour moi, qui ne suis jamais allée au concert à Indonésie, ou le festival de la musique là, c’était amusant. Il y avait bcp des gens, des adolescents à des seniors.  Je crois que tous les musiciens ont joué sans paiement. Ils ont joué avec plaisir de 19h au matin.  

La fête de la musique est un festival être destinée de célébrer le premier jour en l’été.  Le jour est très long, 15 heures du soleil et la nuit est très courte, juste 9 heures.    Donc tout le monde est heureux  d’avoir bcp de soleil. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

what's your (next) plan?

At every step I take in life, people, who I believe do care about me, always have the same question "what's you (next) plan?"  Me: uhmm...on verra - we'll see.  

Some of them expect that I will come out with another surprising decision for my life, unfortunately, I am not. Honestly, I really don't know what my next plan(s) is/are.  I have some ideas of how I want to be in the future, but none of them is stable yet for the moment.  People may say I still wanna have fun, I still wanna go around selfishly, etc. I do but they forget, I also do want to plan something. It's just I haven't really write down all the plans and show it to them. 
I haven't left my stable-comfort zone life for a long time, not even a year since last August 2012, but it seems that things have been changing since then. I am happy to know that people around me start moving to another chapter of life, from work, study, love life, etc.  Don't worry mom & dad, I will decide my own too, but it's just not yet. 
If you know me quite well, you shouldn't be surprised as I am not a type of person who will change my plan a second before due date. I take a long time to think and rethink again of my plan, but  during that time, don't expect to know what's in my mind. 

I read a very nice article written by Joy Chen. It's about marriage, but that's not why I like the article. It's because of one quote, in which I feel that I find a reason that supports my decision of hanging around without any plan for the moment. 
"Give yourself permission to spend a few years wandering about and figuring out what it is that interests you"
A reason to escape? for me, it is.  I know I am late because in my almost-25-years-old age, I haven't made my way to build up the future, specifically about work.  What can I do, as I just talked to an old friend, "That's life, it's always surprising" 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

j'aime bien la carte postale


                         Berlin, Luc-Avr2011

reunion du Taizé, Luc-Dec2011

Barcelone, Luc-Sept2012

Noel, Maria-2011

Chine, Luc-Avr2012

Budapest, Luc-Juin2012

                                        mon coin favori dans ma chambre

Chili,  Luc&Lucia-Dec2011

Brésil, Dec2011

Indonésie, 2012

Vatican, Luc-Sept2011

Moscou, Luc

Lourdes, Luc-Aout2011

The feeling when I open my mailbox, and there are postcards from people who still remember me       while they're far away, it's taking my breathe away. 


I've just seen the wedding video of one of my best friends in junior 'till high school, Lia and Mkel.  We may not talk a lot for the last several years, but I do still feel she'll always be my best friend. I believe, when we feel deep inside our heart that someone is our friend, then she/he will always be our friend, no matter what.  

So, on June 8, 2013, it was their wedding day. I knew both of them since we're in junior high school, it was more than 10 years ago, and they've been together since then.  When I saw the video, I could not be any happier for them. When I heard Lia's voice saying the vow, I was really smilling in front of my computer. I feel like "it's really my best friend there, it's been such a long time I haven't heard her voice", and now she's saying the vow, starting her new life with her soulmate in life.  I am so very extremely happy for both of them. 

At the same time, I have these mixed feelings, between sad, lonely, missing something, questioning myself how could I miss my best friends' once in a lifetime weddings, why I am here and not there, and the most of it, how could I survive while missing all these beautiful moments of the people I love.  So far, I've missed Tia & Peppe's wed due to that stupid Business English exam by Mr. Casque (will never ever forget him placing the exam on the last day before Christmas holiday on my first year).  I also missed Wawa's wed cause at that time I had to do my visa stuff in Jakarta. I missed Tika & Vico's wedding cause I am here.  Maybe it looks like I am creating excuses while actually I could make it, but I really don't. It's not just about weds, but like my brother's birthday, my bestfriends' bday, family gatherings, etc.  Okay, I don't have that much events in life to celebrate, but somehow, since I am here, I do value these moments more than I've ever did. 

There are times when I question myself WHY I am here, and miss all the moments?  I could not find the best answer for that yet, but at least I have accepted it.  I don't regret my decision, but I realize that I don't want to live so far away from home and miss a lot more moments in life. 
One thing I really learn by being here, I value my life more than ever, I value my family and I know I really love them, I value the people around me, I value every journey in my life, I value my best friends who are still texting me for sharing stories and any random discussion, I value every people inviting me for hanging around (that sometimes I used to be so lazy to do so), I value people contacting me just to say hello, I value many things that I'd never realized before. I really thank God for letting me realize all of these by myself right now, neither in the past nor in the future, but just at this moment. 

I have this 8yo picture with me in my room here. 
ps: people said I was too busy when I was in Jakarta, but I was fine about being busy. Now I understand why I shouldn't be that busy, because there are many things in life I might miss if I only care about my schedule. =)

Sunday, June 9, 2013

All is well

Salut !
Voilà, J’ai déjà fini ma troisième semaine du stage.  Ça a passé bien ? umm pas mal.
Pendant la semaine, j’ai traduit l’arrêt du gouvernement pour les gens qui veulent devenir un/une professeur des écoles, d’école primaire, collège ou lycée en france.  C’était vraiment difficile, la langue, la contexte d’arrêt, les vocabulaires spécifiques de chaque sujet, etc.  Le lundi dernier, j’ai fait rien parce que j’ai mal au ventre et on fait ma supervisera n’était pas là donc j’ai chatte bcp avec mes sœurs et mes amis en indonésie. =)

Maintenant, J’ai fini traduire l’arrêt et pour la semaine prochaine, je ferai un article portant sur « vie étudiant en france » en française. Oh hulala, comment je peux faire ça ? Je n’écris pas souvent en française. Je parle, j’écoute, je lis, mais pour écrire, rien.  Donc, c’est le problème de la semaine prochaine.

Dans ma vie personnelle, tout le monde est parti, rendy est en train de vacance, Step retournera en indonésie tôt, levce et sanja sont déménagés la semaine dernière, sarolta est en meumb..., et les camarades sont partout.  Moi, je suis en train de confondre car je ne peux pas demander le titre de séjour avant le début d’août. Mais j’ai un plan du voyager avec mon ami et après je veux aller en taizé et restera là pour un mois.  Donc, je confonds si c’est mieux d’organiser le plan voyager-taizé-orléans-indonésie ou taizé-orléans-voyager-indonésie. 
Les deux sont risques parce que j’ai peur d’avoir la problème avec mon titre de séjour.  J’organiserai cette nuit avec rian, et on verra ! 

Honnêtement, je suis une personne qu’aime être bien-organise dans ma vie. Mais depuis qu'arrivé en france, ce change car la vie est jamais calme ici, c'est dynamique et avec bcp de surprises.  Ici, tout le monde déménage souvent, c'est vraiment diffèrent que en indonésie.  
Mais, je toujours dis à moi seul, ne pense pas trop -- je suis en train d'essayer =). 
Je crois en Dieu et je crois à tout va bien.