Wednesday, June 19, 2013

what's your (next) plan?

At every step I take in life, people, who I believe do care about me, always have the same question "what's you (next) plan?"  Me: uhmm...on verra - we'll see.  

Some of them expect that I will come out with another surprising decision for my life, unfortunately, I am not. Honestly, I really don't know what my next plan(s) is/are.  I have some ideas of how I want to be in the future, but none of them is stable yet for the moment.  People may say I still wanna have fun, I still wanna go around selfishly, etc. I do but they forget, I also do want to plan something. It's just I haven't really write down all the plans and show it to them. 
I haven't left my stable-comfort zone life for a long time, not even a year since last August 2012, but it seems that things have been changing since then. I am happy to know that people around me start moving to another chapter of life, from work, study, love life, etc.  Don't worry mom & dad, I will decide my own too, but it's just not yet. 
If you know me quite well, you shouldn't be surprised as I am not a type of person who will change my plan a second before due date. I take a long time to think and rethink again of my plan, but  during that time, don't expect to know what's in my mind. 

I read a very nice article written by Joy Chen. It's about marriage, but that's not why I like the article. It's because of one quote, in which I feel that I find a reason that supports my decision of hanging around without any plan for the moment. 
"Give yourself permission to spend a few years wandering about and figuring out what it is that interests you"
A reason to escape? for me, it is.  I know I am late because in my almost-25-years-old age, I haven't made my way to build up the future, specifically about work.  What can I do, as I just talked to an old friend, "That's life, it's always surprising" 

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