Tuesday, April 22, 2014

curious or care

"Only a few people actually care. The rest are just curious".

There are some quotes that stay forever in your mind because it somehow realtes to you, or you feel like it's so right, something really happens but i never realized it before. Just like this quote. This is one of not-so-mày quotes that i keep in mind, and keep on reminding myself about the meaning of this quote. People don't care, they are just too curious. 

Now I can see some people around me who do really care and some others who are just curious. Curious about my future plan, curious about how I survive, curious about how I get and spend the money, curious about shether I am happy ornnot. Even after you answer their questions, or telling them th your life is not as good as you expect, they don't even give you another second to explain. They just want to get the answer of their questions. 

As I grow up, I meet some of these two types of people. For the first type, I definitely can share my happiness, worries and thoughts. For the second one, You'll see me as the happiest girl alive! Don't be too curious about other's life, as it has nothing to do with you.

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