Friday, April 4, 2014

Too curious

Several days ago I was reading news about the scholarship to New Zealand. Then i did a little bit of research to find out about the programs, etc.  2 years ago, Mera told me about this too but at that time I was concentrating to register to the university in France, and France becomes my biggest dream that time. So I didnn't really pay attention to 'studying in NZ issue'.  Then I again saw article about this and it interests me. Just that night, i was really into applying to the school for another master and for the scholarship. I was already really thought about applying without telling anyone, especially my mom.  But then the next day, I asked Mele and Tepa about their opinions if I again take another master study.  Frankly, everybody does not agree, with different point of view. It's the best i can have with these two best friends, because they always come up with ideas that I had never thought before. Tepa with her chinese-old parental point of view and mele with a modern one.

Their opinions make a good sense. Then I brought up this question to my mom.  She directly said no, without even asking me what, why, when, how, etc.  The reason is because I have enough for study now and it's time to work, get married and start a family, or I will be too old to get married while the whole world is planning their wedding anytime soon.  'What will others think if you keep on studying and not getting married?' I don't appreciate this, at all. I know I am not that young anymore. I will be 26 this year and need to start my career soon. Plus I don't have a bf nor planning any wed soon. But it should not be the reason to refuse my will to study.  I was disappointed though. I don't appreciate when my mom starts to talk about 'what others think....'. I keep on saying to her, it doesn't matter what others think. They neither help nor care about what is happening in our life. Why should we waste time to think about what they think about us?

You can give me a million reason to refuse my proposal and i will consider it, but never it be about what others think.  I am who I am now because I stand by myself doing what I love to do, not about what others love who I should become.
"They don't care. They are just too curious". So, keep your plans to yourself.

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