Saturday, April 26, 2014

jadi panitia lagi

Weekend ini gue ikut jadi panitia acara Eurolympique di Paris. Sempet ragu-ragu waktu daftar karena ngerasa uda bukan waktunya lagi utk gue ikutan acara bgtun. Gue ud ngabisin ckup banyak waktu utk aktif di byk kegiatan selama kuliah di atma. Tp somehow g ngerasa kangen jadi panitia acar, dan juga pengent. Gimana sih kalau ppi bikin acara, dan juga g belum pernah jadi panitia acar olahraga. So here i am. Hari ini gue jadi panitia , juga besok. Dan yah, ternyata gue kangen berat jadi panitia acara bgtu. Dan gjr sangat menikmati hari ini!
Salah satu bukti bahwa gue harus berani mencoba dan mengikuti kata hati. Dengan begitu gue akan tahu ada apa di balik pintu itu.

En retard
These days I have this bad habit of being late, either to the office or to meeting appointments. This is really not a good habit. Like today, i was so late to an event because I could not wake up early in the morning. I felt very ashamed when I arrived today because I feel that I am the worst ever. I should not be late for such day. Okay it is not a big deal for them, but for me, i feel so bad about this. And now it's 22.10 and I force my self to sleep because I am so afraid to be late for tomorrow. 
I need to change this silly habit. I need to manage my time better, if not, one day, I might lose a good chance just because of being late. 
Mission starts tomorrow.

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