Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter vigile

For this Saturday mass, I decided to go to the english mass because Normally for special celebration, the wordings are even more complicated. To avoind not understanding the meaning of the mass, I went to the english one at St. Joseph's church near Arc de Triumph. I was surprised because there were quite number of people there. The church is another beautiful and simple version of God's house. One thing I don't like is that people were so noisy before the mass started. I remembered once a brother of Taize told me that by the time we enter the church, we prepare ourselves to God. In other words, we are supposed to keep silent in order to respect others who are preparing themselves for God. 
It's not only to be silent during the mass, but also by the time you step into the church. 
Anyway, maybe it's just another different habit of people and its church.

We started by gathering outside the church to light the paschal candle. And then the priest followed by us, we entered the church with the candles in our hand, and started the celebration. There was baptism and confirmation for some people, which reminded me of, again, how blessed I have been to discover and know Jesus in my life since my baptism during easter 6 years ago. The baptism was also unique. Every of them was pourred with blessed water, and then they sign the baptism certificate and got the bible and certificate as the welcoming gift to the community of Jesus. 

The priest was hilarious during the mass. He was very funny, communicative, nd was able to bring up the good atmosphere during the 2-hour mass. Before the last blessing, he gave egg chocolates to kids in the church. Lovely. I am sure those kids are bery happy even only with one small egg chocolate from a very lovely easter santa. The mass was really alove and i didn't feel bored at all.

Très joyeuses des pâques 21.04.14
For Sunday mass, I went to Madeleine. It is one of my favorite churches so far. It was a nice Easter mass and pretty short, only one hour. 
At the end I was saying happy easter to one of the priests and he asked me where do I come from, and he speaks a little bit indonesia. Nice to find people speaking indonesian.

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