Monday, July 1, 2013

what's in mind for July

I am super excited to welcome July. I remembered the last time when I was so bored, I made one of the password of my accounts 'wishing for July to come'. haha..and Voilà! now I am in July.

So far here is my plan:
July 1: farewell lunch of the director
July 3: discuss with Rian for August trip
July 5: RDV for stay permit for another year in France (hope things go well with this) *fingers crossed
July 6: go to Sanja and Levce's apartment
July 7: send all my stuff to all around the city
July 11: send my big luggage to somewhere I don't know yet
July 12: presentation day for the internship report + walk out from my lovely room at 310, I have been so close with this lovely yellowish room. =(
July 13: stay at somebody's house (don't know yet who's gonna host me) and state "half way to go" in my FB account --> as I will officially finish my first year that day =)
July 14 - 16: off to Paris and see my 2 lovely ex-bosses
July 16 - 18: off to Lyon
July 19: accomplish another dream.  Can't tell you now, cos I am so afraid that as people say, better not to talk before it happens to avoid any unwanted obstacles to appear on the way.  I've been waiting for this for 5 years. have faith and yes dreams do come true.
July 19...

welcome another month
...- August 21: gonna be so sad to leave my dream place
Aug 21: off to Budapest
Aug 24: hello Vienna!
Aug 25: blink to Czech!
Aug 27: Paris - Orléans
Aug 28: watching movies while waiting for my flight plus smiling all the way there
Aug 29: Shopping at HK
Aug 29: Senang berjumpa kembali, Jakarta!

People may plan but let God do the rest. I do believe He always supports me and He accompanies me wherever I am going.

ps: I was so nervous to tell my mom that I'll be moving around by myself for around 7 weeks.  I don't want to tell her the entire plan because it's kinda crazy and make her worried about me is the last thing I want at the moment. BUT, it was so surprising that she didn't even ask where I'm going to stay, what will I do there, etc. She accepts all my plan without any 'wejangan'. Haha suddenly I feel that it's weird and I'm afraid.

There was a time when I really want to be able to decide everything by myself. I remembered asking my father 'Why should it be different between being your daughter and being your son?' My brother could went out 'til midnight while for me, at 11, he would definitely called and asked where I was and when I would be home. He has never been mad eventhough I was home at midnight, and I didn't lie too about what I was doing.  But at that time I was thinking, why should it be different? I am 5 years older than my brother but why did he call me instead of my brother?
I've never thought about that question anymore until yesterday. Now I am free to do whatever I want and they do trust me. Unfortunately, as I grow older, I understand better what it means to take the decision myself without discussing it with them. It simply means no back up anymore. =l

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