Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sans domicile fixe

Wow, it's 12 January 2014 already!!!

I don't know where time has been flying since last December.
There has been numerous things in my life. I have finished all my exams for this master study. I went to Strasbourg for the Taizé meeting, which was amazing, and met so many great people there. I was so stressed for several days because I couldn't find a place to stay for my internship. Then I started to send random msg to Indonesian couch surfers in Paris, and I was amazed at how people can be really nice. One of them replied saying he couldn't help, another texted me asking if I might have already find a solution, and another girl texted me saying that she could host me for several days if I want to. I was very amazed that there are really people, who I never know before, are eager to respond to my random and silly message asking for a place to stay and offer me the place. At the end, I stayed in SH's place for 2 night, and now I finally have a place, our new castle in bobigny, with Levka and Sanja.

I have been very busy finding place to stay. I went to Paris couple of time to see the apartment, room, etc.  We actually found a very nice one, but the owner didn't want to rent it to see because she doesn't believe that we, 3 young foreigner students, can pay they rent without problem. I couldn't accept this. Why she couldn't be more open minded. A foreign student studying in another country must prove that she has enough money to live in order to have the student visa. How could she underestimate us like that.

From all things that happen to me lately, and also the experience I had during Taizé meeting, it showed me a really two different things in life. How some people can trust you and offer you help, and the other are being very suspicious about everything and everyone. It really depends on you what kind of person you wanna be.

This week was a very tough time, because I had to finished the 2 essays, then exam, finding new place in Paris, move out from residence and Orléans and to say goodbye to my classmates.  I really experience the moment when I really had no idea where to stay in several days, and with no one to lean on. It was a very precious lesson of life for me and also a reminder to myself to be grateful that I have so many fixed place to stay with my families in Indonesia.  But I have to mention that at that time, I was worried but at the same time, I was also relaxed and I was really sure that I would find a place just in time. I do believe in God and that He takes care of me as long as I make efforts. I was also surprised of how I could be like that in such situation. I think I really learn about 'trusting God' and about the phrase 'worry about nothing as you past has been written and you future is in His hand'.

I was also sad to know that all of our LAME friends will never gather together again, as many of us might be in some different countries, but this is life, and I know that every meeting will end. I have created the best time of it and I'll live with its good memories.

Orléans has become one of my comfort zones. I know where to go, who to meet, what to do, etc.  That's why I have to leave the place and start over in another place and learn to survive in the new place. So now I'm starting my new life in Paris, a city that everyone adores, which is actually as complicated as Jakarta, or even more. Tomorrow is my first day of internship. I hope it will go well and 6 months will be just like a click. Bonne chance à moi!

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