Saturday, January 18, 2014

The first week at BR

The first week of my internship at BR has passed. I was nervous at the beginning, but now I think I am fine. For the first three days I was in Suresnes office, met new people, got headache with all french conversation with its new vocabularies and different accent of many people, and also we had one-day tour around the office, laboratory, warehouse, etc. I also went to the visa agency office for office matters, to the Bourse du commerce near Louvre and had 2-day training in the Champs-Elysees office. It was a bit weird for me because normally I go to Louvre or Champs-Elysees as a tourist, but now I am there for working. 
Eventhough it is a new place, but I can control myself and my feeling a lot better. I know how to make myself comfortable there, and I do not really care about what others may think about me, about my weird accent in speaking french, or even about my bad french level. So far I understand most of the things well and I can do the job easily.  The training in Champs-Elysees was very confusing and hard for me, because they are all talking and discussing something at the same time.  Can yiu imagine, 3-5 women speak french at the same time about the beauty products and its facial and massage techniques and methodologies? It was hard.  But it passed anw. At least, I can enjoy the lunch at a good French restaurant and also eat Sushi during the 2-day training.  

I know that next week is gonna be tought because I will really work, and they expect me to learn everything quickly. I will, again, struggle about my decision to do the internship there if days are getting harder, but I am trying not to think about it. I will learn as much as I can absorb, and one day everything will be paid off. Profites-en!

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