Friday, January 31, 2014

Unexpectable January

WOW. I am also surprised at how many things have happened in this month. By new year, i was still in Strasbourg, enjoying the very first Taizé european meeting. Then went back to Orléans and started with the house hunting. I went to Paris 2-3 times to visit rooms and appartment but there was not any good result. I was quite desperate at that time because I have to start the internship by 13 of January. Then I was so engaged in writting the two papers for multiculturalism and british pop culture. We also had exams besides. Then it came our very last LAME day, we took picture all together and ate in the canteen together for the last time. :(
Within 2 next days after that, I was hurried to finish my paper, pack my stuff, sell my printer and throw away stuff. I was sick also during that time. Voila, I moved to Paris by friday with one big luggae and one big bag by myself. I stayed for two nights in a friend of mine, and finally got a place to stay bu Sunday. So I moved again by Sunday night. 
Monday was the first day of internship and I was nervous about my french level.  The place in Bobigny was not very nice and safe, so we are all searching for another place. First Sunday, levce and I were cleaning the house and went to Rosny Centre Commercial, which was surprisingly quite nice. Second Sunday, I moved again to another new place because I suddenly get a space in a residence by Friday afternoon.  So here I am now, staying in my new place which is a very nice one and writing what have happened in this month. That's a lot of moving and tons of mixed feelings that I don't even have time to be sad or mad with my situation. 
I don't know how, but I was being most of the time positive with my situation eventhough everything was not very clear at that time. It's Lanty's power, my parents' trust on me together with His blessing that allow me to survive well and be in the right track until now. :)

At some point, I am a bit afraid that maybe the next several months I will be bored with my calm and quite life. Well, there are still 3 days to go for this month. Don't think too much Lanty. Time will pass and you'll enjoy your present life.

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