Friday, December 6, 2013

officially an aunty

I am officially an aunty since a week ago, of a very cute boy namely Derick Tan. It's a strange feeling. =D.. I haven't seen him directly, just through skype, but I know that I don't want to miss his first, second, third and so on birthdays.  
It's another chapter for my sister and her little family. There was a moment I felt that now my sisters have their own families, and me, will I be lonely?  I still have my brother, but it won't be the same. I was close with my sister, especially the second one. And in the (near) future, when I return home, I will not be able to sleep with her anymore. We had always slept in the same room since high school. I spent 3 years in high school sharing a room with her, 4 years during university.  I know that life goes on, and this is not something I should be sad about, but still, I am a bit afraid. How if I feel lonely by the time I am there? Because I know nothing remains the same forever except the love in our heart. 

Anyway, I talked with my mom and dad, congratulated them for being a grandpa and grandma for the very first time. They're so extremely happy and grateful. My mom kept on sending me updates about Derick =).  I am so grateful to know that my parents are so happy there. They deserve it. They are the best parents in the world.

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