Wednesday, December 11, 2013


I have been wandering around for the last 3 hours doing nothing useful.  Since last night, I started to have this worriness in mind about my life in the near future (after January 8, 2014). Yes, this is me when I have to face such situation or if I have to decide something for myself.  I will have my last exams on the January 8, and after that, I really do not know what I am going to do. I'll go crazy if by the 8th of January, I have nothing to do, because at that time, I'll have finished all the exams and actually be free to return home and find a job. I am still searching for an internship in France, but it's really difficult to find one.  I think I have been sending more than 60 CVs to companies in France and in some other countries so far, and it keeps on going. 

2 days ago, I wasn't worried at all, but suddenly I realize that it's already 1/3 of the month, and time really flies! 
Business Law exam is tomorrow morning and I can hardly concentrate now. =(
I need to pray and make myself calm. 

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