Sunday, November 3, 2013

... 12 oct 2013

My first several days back to this city and life here were not easy at all. I felt lonely and, again, questioned myself "why am I here?" Yeah, I didn't find it easy to be back to this student-life in France and to stand by myself, especially after several weeks of travelling and being home with my mom and dad.

I started to watch random videos on youtube, simply to get some sounds accompanying me while doing something else. I started to play stupid games on my laptop, read tons of books, etc. Those helped letting the time passed though, but I knew I didn't want to spend my time of those temporary entertaining items.  I started to overcome this loneliness and post-holdaiy syndrome.  First time is to keep on reminding myself that this semester is the last semester I am sitting in the class as a student, as next semester will be different. I am excited about it. 

Things were getting better day by day, I chatted with my friends in Indonesia. I don't have that much friends I can talk with, but I know and feel so blessed that I have my best friends I can always talk with anytime.  They are far away. I got one in Australia and the rest are spreaded over Indonesia. But, as long as we feel that we are friends inside out hearts, the we will always be friends. 

and last night was one of my best nights in the city. Wwe had the new semester party in Ale's new appartment, which was super fun.  We drank, we laughed, we talked, we shared stories, and we ended up with lots of bottles of wines and its friends.  Good wine, good friends, good time.
Now, I am ready to be back to school with them and pass this semester together.

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