Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Being a student

I'm in the multiculturalism of United kingdom class now. I'm not that interested to the topic but i like the teacher a lot, especially for his British accent. His accent is so elegant and favorable to listen to.  I have been studying American english, its pronunciation and its slang words for ages, but British accent is always special. This is another reason why I really want to go to London and hear this British accent everywhere there. *fingers crossed*

In the mean time, I have been thinking about my situation. Okay, I admit, I think too much, but it's something that comes to mind spontaneously, how could I avoid it?  I will have my lectures until third week of December and then exams until first week of January.  That's very soon! The studying period according to French system is shorter than the one in Indonesia.  Plus, there are always holidays on every 2 months here.  At first, I was surprised, but now I do enjoy it so much, the break. :).

Since I am going to finish my 'being a student' period, I have this awkward feeling deep in my heart.  It's between the feeling of missing this moment of sitting in the class and listening to the teacher.  The flawless conversation, jokes and debates within classmates, mocking up the other's countries of our friends, multiculturalism environment in and outside the class, all very open discussion related to the topic.  At first, I thought that this daily debates and discussion among us and the teacher in class is normal for western students. But when we had classes with other students, from other master major, with the French students, it was so different.  They tend to be very passive in class, and do not really respond to any questions or informations said by the teacher.  Then I realized that I have been very lucky to be registered in this batch and have those as my classmates.  There are some reasons behind that flawless debates, first, we don't have any language barrier among us, so it really builds up the good atmosphere in the class.  Second, we know each other quite well and we know that none of this discussion will be taken into serious consideration eventhough we're mocking up at other's countries issues, as we discuss a lot about the worldwide economic situation nowadays. Moreover, we are very multicultural, that we are 25 students coming from 17 nationalities and 4 continents. So you can imagine how dynamic the situation is in the class.  People from different countries ranging from 23 to 35 years old with different educational and working background gather in a place and discuss one topic. It's probably something I won't find anywhere else.

I don't miss the time being under pressure for having not enough time to read all those articles before the exams or classes. For all the time I have to set aside sitting in front of my laptop trying to get the ideas to be discussed in my papers.  No, I don't miss the time of studying the subjects i don't like, but I will miss the time of acquiring broad knowledge of many different issues nowadays in many different countries.

I do miss working on daily basis now, but I know these moments of being a student in France of this major, is very special for me and it helps me to shape my way of thinking of many different issues.  I will have the busiest months from now on 'til end of December, with 4 presentations and 4 papers to go, but I will do my best as the last effort of being a master student.

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