Sunday, November 3, 2013

welcoming my 2nd brother-in-law

7th Sept was a date that I've markedever since as it's a very special day for my beloved sister. Yes, we welcome another new member of the family.  For me, it's once again, a chance to gather with my family.  I have been waiting since January, to witness my sister to get into her new life. 

So we were so busy and extremely engaged to all the ceremonial wedding that I didn't even eat during the party. One remark about that day, there was a misunderstanding between my sister and her hair stylist and it was ruining her mood a bit.  I tried to settle everything down eventhough I am not an expert at all, simply because I didn't want to see her being not happy on her wedding day. The idea of having this special day is to be happy and enjoy it, not about to make everything perfect while you don't really feel the happiness and joy of the day.  Everything was solved at the end, and i would have never mentioned this issue anymore to anyone in the family.  It was a special day and nobody shall give space for stupid bad memory of that day.

I met so many people at the party that I knew. It was really nice to be in the party where you belong to, and I felt that way.  I was so happy to talk with elders, aunties, uncles, cousins, friends and relatives.  I was happy that I really understand that It was not the dress that I cared so much for that special day. Fyi, I got my dress just several days before the D-day.  It was not an expensive dress at all but I felt very comfortable wearing it, as simple as I wanted, and everybody said it fitted me perfectly. So I know I wore the perfect dress for that day. =)

One funny (but also starting to be annoying) thing is the question that people asked me during the party. "So, when is your turn (to get married)?"  It was a nice and simple question, and I was not annoyed by that. But when the same question was being asked from everyone you met that night, okay, it started to annoy me. I didn't want it to ruin my mood, and I kept on answering "SOON".  With who? have no idea, as I am not in a relationship with anyone at the moment.  But who cares, I do believe that love is a feeling I well have with the right person at the right time, and he is somewhere out there. I remember one of my friends kept on asking me "where is your bf?" and I used to answer, "oh, maybe he was in Antartica, trying to get me a penguin". lol

p.s: I shared this story to my western friends, and their reactions really made my day "what the f*ck they asked you whether you're getting married or not". 
See, it's always about how you see something from different point of view. Someone may annoy you so much with his writing on one side of a paper, then you flip it and you'll see nothing. 

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