Thursday, November 21, 2013


I always say to myself that people grow up.  When people grow up, does it mean they change? Literally yes, but it's not exactly the same like when people change intendedly.  Nobody can stay as he/se used to be for such a long time. Even if yes, it means something is wrong with them.  Sometimes I miss some friends as they grow up and then grow apart. We are no longer in the same interest, no longer in the same habits, no monger in the same situation.  When it happens, especially to some people that I hope we never grow apart, I am sad.  I miss our stupid and silly conversation and the no-hesitation-feeling of contacting each other eventhough we have nothing important to say.  I said once, "as people change, most of the time they are also away from your life".  

I remembered when i left my country in Sept 2012, my friend said to me, 'don't be a different person after living in France'. What she meant is 'do not turn into a stranger that she doesn't know anymore just because you live abroad, you have higher educatin, you have different friends and environment'. I always remember what she said. She is my best friend and i know she says the truth, always.
So do I change, after 1,5 years? I don't, but I grow up, in which I think create a 'me' of the moment, from the psychological view, surviving level in life, appreciation to life and people and point of view of many abstract things.
In fact, most of the time, I have hesitation to answer when people ask me about how my life has been. I am afraid of them thinking that I am showing off. Okay, I shouldn't care about what others think about me. But I am on the process and it's not that easy though.  Plus, I have in mind that it's enough that people who care about me know that I am fine and happy with what I have and achieve so far. They know me the most and I think they are the ones who deserve to be informed about myself in deep. Let's say, my best friends, they said they are proud of me, and they are very happy for me because I do deserve it after all the effort. When they say that, It's another quote I keep in mind to remind myself that I am blessed to have all I have and to have them reminding me of what I have. I know they are the bestest friends in life, to whom i would never have to hide, lie or pretend.

And yes, the last time I met them, one and half month ago, they agreed with me saying that I do grow up and I don't change to a bitch. :p

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