Tuesday, November 5, 2013

our castle

Our castle is the best place for us in this world. You find your comforst, your happiness, your accompany, your lover, your cleaning lady, your driver, your books, your comfy pillow and bed, your gadgets, your tiramisu, your home-cooked meal, your credit card, your shower bathtub, your parfum, and everything you might not even realize that those items perfect your castle.  

It's so comfortable that we can hardly leave our castle. Why should I leave if I'm on my most convenient place?  No, you don't have too, unless you wanna find out that there are amazing people out there with their amazing stories. My neighbour said there are amazing places and their daily life.  My childhood friend said there are unthinkable values you will ever find among your cleaning lady and your driver.  It is written in a book "there are thousand of ways to survive in life" that you never thought about.  Quote of the day says "There are millions of stars at night that you can see when you sleep in nature".  The bookshop keeper told me that there are titles of books I have never known before.  My twitter follower mentioned to me "There are millions of beautiful language you don't speak". And my heart says "There are numerous things I wanna try and moments I wanna enjoy as this life is too short".  There are everything in this world worth to do, hear, read, see, feel and experience before you decide that you are on your best moment.  

Go out of your castle and you'll be amazed on what you'll find! Share to those who keeps on guarding their castle, not about how amazing the outside is, they can watch it on tv though.  Share how great the feeling is to be outside and how valuable the memories you have with great people out there who you might only meet once and never again.

#miss my little heaven

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