Sunday, November 3, 2013

being 24 for the last time

In couple of hours I am moving on from 24 to 25. So I dedicate few hours left to remember what I have been through for a whole year of being 24. I crossed some points from my dream list already!

- have my French laptop
- see snow for the first time (incl. having my boots (now I have 3) and coats for the first time)
- pass by in Riyadh and Jeddah (so happy I did this)
- start my blog
- know the smell of canabis (and I hate it)
- visit my best friend in Sicily and be with her during her pregnancy
- survive in France (with its vicious-circle paperwork)
- finish my first year of Master
- do my internship in France
- speak French (not that good yet)
- in love with Vienna (and definitely will return there)
- within France, I love Lyon the most
- back to my little heaven (after 4 years of dreaming, praying, hoping and wishing on every bday)
- hitch hiking
- celebrate my sisters' wedding (two in a year)
- spend time with my mom and dad (for real)
- sleep in my bedroom in hometown again after years
- meet my old schoolmate (we haven't seen each other for 7 years)
- celebrate Kir's wedding (we're best friend since we're 13)
- gather with the 'destiny' girls
- go to Hongkong and meet my Tz friends from 4 years ago
- get used to travelling for long hours
- chatting with my mom (she is so into technology now!)
- travel to places I'd never thought I would ever go
- ...

The three best of all, first, I understand myself better than a year ago. I start to have some clues of what I want for my life. There were many times that I had to decide things by myself, and I did it even with a huge hesitation everytime I have to do it. I used to be in the middle of the road. Well, I am still there, but I have a better me who is ready to face it. 
Second, i know who my real friends are. I don't bother meeting people just for a sake of networking. I meet the people I talk with wherever I am during the good and bad times.
And the most important part, I understand, realize, feel, respect the time of being with my family and be part of them, for real.  This is something I appreciate the most.

I thank You, God, for being the one realizing and teahing me all of these during my 24 yo. I am fully blessed for being who I am. I do complain, I do feel sad, I do feel annoyed, I do feel lonely but I do feel happy and excited about my life. Okay, being 25 is not young anymore, with more expectations from other, more responsibility, more decision to make plus I should start with my anti-aging cream already, but I will enjoy it.
happy birthday to me, soon!
Some wishes for 25: finish my master, start my career, and be with the one I am happy with.

p.s: One day I read a sentence "How if you had already achieved your dreams, will you have anything left for your life?" This stucks on my head for years. Now, I know the answer. For me, dreaming is a never ending story.  You will achieve your dream, you will grow up, you will forget yout previous ambitions, you will create another dream and you will adjust to it.

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