Saturday, November 16, 2013

Agée de 25 ans

Days ago was my 25th birthday and yes, once again, I celebreated it in France. I didn't throw party with fellas on that day, but I did celebrate the process of being 25.  

I was not expecting anything special for the birthday. No cakes, a single bday card ( Mele said she'll send me one), no birthday song.  Sad? Not all. On that day I thought a lot about my life, about what I had been through, the decision I took, the people I have around me, and many more. I was happy to have my friends and family sending me birthday wishes, especially my family and best friends.  

Several days before the birthday, I was thinking about the age of 25. I did type on Google about 'being 25', 'what should I do at the age of 25', 'how does it feel to be 25'.  I really did that. =D.. You might think that I was being too sentimental, and I was not ready to be 25. It wasn't the reason. For me, I wanted to find out about my self better after living for 25 years. I wanna know if I've been doing well with my life, if I've been doing what I like, if I have any regret so far, etc. It's not easy to really know yourself, at least in my case. So I sometimes need someone else to tell me about my self or simply by reading someone's idea of something through his/her blog/articles and agree with them about some ideas that also happen to you. 

I found several interesting articles about how you might psychologically feel when you are at certain age, what might comes to your mind, and how to deal with it. I don't have psychological issue or being understressed or whatsoever, It's just nice to have some nice articles to read about what will happen at certain time in your life, and to know that you're on the right track. That I have same worries as others do, same expectations as others, same questions as others and same curiosity about future as well.  

Indeed, my birthday was more on a reflection time for myself. It was a very meaningful one for me. I am not saying I am too old for parties and beers, etc., but why should I grabbed beers if that was not what I really wanted for that day? I learn that being an adult means knowing what you really want in life, starting from the simplest thing. And I did have my beer by the weekend.=)

I am 25 and several days now, and I am happy about it. I have been receiving a lot of blessings in my life, and I believe it goes on.  I am happy to be who I am now and to do what I am doing right now. I have doubts and fear of future but I know that present is always only once in a life time, let's enjoy it.

I made my birthday wishes and I believe wishes coming true. 
p.s: surprisingly, I received some gifts from my friends here. It really made my day. Thanks to you!

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